FactoryFour Learn Center Index

Last updated April 3, 2019

Order Creation

How to create an Order.

Order Forms Order Info Order Status

Creating an Order

Create an order without a Customer:

  1. Go to the Orders Tab and click the ‘+ Add Order’ button on the upper ride side of the table, and select the appropriate ‘Product Form’
  2. At any time, you can add a customer to this order by clicking ‘+ Add Customer’ in the left panel of the Order Overview
  3. Complete and Submit the order form. This will move the order from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘Pending’ status

Create an order on behalf of a Customer:

  1. If the customer does not exist already start by <a href=”https://learn.factoryfour.com/user-guides/customer-management/customer-creation/” target=_blank>Creating a Customer</a>, else go ahead to Step 2.
  2. On either the Home Page or Customers Page, click a customer to navigate you to the ‘Customer Overview’ page
  3. From the ‘Customer Overview’ page, click the ‘+ Add Order’ button on the upper right side of the order table, and select the appropriate ‘Product Form’B
  4. Complete and Submit the order form. This will move the order from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘Pending’ status

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