FactoryFour Learn Center Index

Last updated November 6, 2019

Re-Order Frame

Add an organization Order Frame that will allow Re-Ordering functionality.


Create an Order frame for ‘Re-Ordering’ (generating a new order off of an existing one)

How to Use:

  1. Create and name an Order Frame. In the url portion of the frame creation, insert the below url:


  2. There are 3 configuration options for the ‘Re-Order’ button, 2 that action the original order, and 1 that informs the newly created order:

    1. The &archiveOnReorder=true portion of the URL will allow you to specify if you want the original order to be Archived.
      • true will archived the original order
      • false will not archive the original order
    2. The &noErrorOnReorder=true portion of the URL will allow you to specify if you want the original order to be put into Error state.
      • true WILL NOT Error the original order
      • false WILL Error the original order
    3. The &newOrderInProgress=true portion of the URL will allow you to specify if you want the newly created order to be auto-enter into Production or left Incomplete.
      • true will auto-enter into Production
      • false will create the order in the Incomplete status


  1. Create a new order that copies all specs from a previous order. The new order will require some edits such as Due Date and Quantity. https://custom.factoryfour.com/lib-frames-order-actions/?page=tools&archiveOnReorder=false&noErrorOnReorder=true&newOrderInProgress=false
  2. Create a new order that copies all specs from a previous order. The new order requires no edits and can thus be created in “In Progres” status https://custom.factoryfour.com/lib-frames-order-actions/?page=tools&archiveOnReorder=false&noErrorOnReorder=true&newOrderInProgress=true
  3. An Order’s specs have changed and you wish to archive the original order and create a new order with some edits for the spec change. https://custom.factoryfour.com/lib-frames-order-actions/?page=tools&archiveOnReorder=true&noErrorOnReorder=true&newOrderInProgress=false
  4. An Order’s specs have changed and you wish to error the original order and create a new order with some edits for the spec change. https://custom.factoryfour.com/lib-frames-order-actions/?page=tools&archiveOnReorder=false&noErrorOnReorder=false&newOrderInProgress=false

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