FactoryFour Learn Center Index

Last updated January 1, 2021

How to create a resource group and assign it to work center

Learn how to manage resource groups

Creating a resource group enables users to schedule capability blocks assigned to work centers or groups of users/assets.

  1. Navigate to the Resource group tab.
  2. Select the “New Resource Group” button. <img src=”https://static.factoryfour.com/learn/graphics/admin-factoryfour/resource-management/resource-group//add-resource-group.png style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-height: unset; width: 90%; height: auto;”>

  3. Name your new resource group.
  4. Select the resource group type, user or asset.
  5. Select and add work centers you want associated with the resource group. If the work center if not available to be selected in the dropdown, then navigate back to the Organization tab to add the work center. Learn more at How to Create a Work Center

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