FactoryFour Learn Center Index

Last updated March 24, 2019

Rule Configuration

Create or archive rules for notifications and automations for your organization.

Rules Order Info Datapoints Notifications


Rules are actions that are automatically completed by the Factory Four app based on other actions taken by customers, users, or administrators. There are several automatic actions that can occur based on the type of rule that is created:

  1. Assign/un-assign a user to an order
  2. Set default workflow to order
  3. Notify users
  4. Notify followers
  5. Allocate/deallocate users from task
  6. Check in/check out users from the task
  7. Update production stage

Create a Rule

  1. Log into the Factory Four admin application at admin.factoryfour.com
  2. Select Rules tab from the menu bar on the left

  3. Select the ’+ Add Rules’ from the upper ride corner of the ‘All Rules Table’
  4. Fill out the Add Rule form:
    There are 3 Rule Types:
    1. order_stage: rule is triggered whenever production stage is changed.
    2. order_status: each instance an order has changed status (5 different statuses)
    3. entity_status: each instance a task has changed status, an action will occur

    The default Rule Configuration is Standard. Custom Rule Configurations are available for an additional cost.

  5. Once a Rule has been added, you will be taken to a page based on which Rule Type you selected.

    Order_Stage screen:

    Order_Status screen:

    Entity_Status screen:

  6. Once you have set the conditions for the rule, navigate from the Options tab to the Action tab:

    The Action tab allows the user to set the automatic actions that will be a part of the Rule.

    Each Rule Type has different actions associated with it, as shown below:

  7. Once a Rule has been created, it can be viewed in the’All Rules Table’

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